Eric Roberts-搜索结果

  • 牛仔大战恐龙 Cowboys vs Dinosaurs

    类型:动作片电影, 科幻片电影

    导演:Ari Novak   编剧:Anthony Fankhauser

    主演:Eric Roberts, Sara Malakul Lane, Vernon Wells

      After an accidental explosion at a local mine, dinosaurs emerge from the rubble to terrorize a small western town. Now, a group of gunslingers must defend their home if anyone is going to survive in a battle of cowboys versus dinosaurs.

  • 独眼巨人 Cyclops


    导演:Declan O'Brien   编剧:Frances Doel

    主演:Eric Roberts, Kevin Stapleton, Frida Show, Craig Archibald

      It is the pinnacle of the Roman Empire, a time of mighty gladiators, lusty women, and a ferocious one - eyed monster that slaughters those foolish enough to enter his forest domain. But the corrupt Emperor Tiberius has a plan to please the bloodlust of the people: Capture the creature and unleash him in the arena against his condemned slaves, including wrongfully imporisoned ge...

  • 侏罗纪统治 Jurassic Domination

    类型:剧情片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:Brian Nowak   编剧:

    主演:Eric Roberts, Jack Pearson, Jamie Bernadette

    Eric Roberts (The Dark Knight), Jack Pearson (Pam & Tommy), and Jamie Bernadette (“NCIS: New Orleans

  • 谋财骇命 The Estate

    类型:喜剧片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:James Kapner   编剧:Christopher Charles Baker

    主演:Eliza Coupe, Eric Roberts, Heather Matarazzo

      When the spoiled son and newest wife of a billionaire patriarch plot to murder him, they form a psycho-sexual bond with their brutally handsome hitman as they kill and kill (and kill) in their quest for wealth and recognition.

  • 冰箱 Fridge


    导演:Peter Mullan   编剧:彼得·穆兰

    主演:Masson, Laurie Ventry, Steven Singleton, Joe Douglas, Max McIlmunn, Campbell Soutar, Alasdair Begbie, Eric

      城市一隅,颓废破败。顽皮孩子乔纳(Max McIlmunn 饰)看到哭泣的爱丽丝(Vicki Masson 饰),心生恐惧,躲进了被人丢弃的大冰箱里。乔纳的两个朋友欺负流浪汉查理(Laurie Ventry 饰),被爱丽丝的男友鲁迪(Gary Lewis 加里•刘易斯 饰)训斥。其中一个孩子恶作剧,盖上了冰箱门。鲁迪试图放出乔纳,但冰箱门卡住无法打开。

  • 章鲨 Sharktopus

    类型:科幻片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:德克兰·奥布莱恩   编剧:Mike MacLean

    主演:Eric Roberts, Roger Corman, Héctor Jiménez

    蓝水总部公司的纳森·桑兹博士(埃瑞克·罗勃兹 Eric Roberts 饰)和他的女儿妮可(莎拉·马拉克·雷恩 Sara Malakul Lane 饰)在军方的资助下,通过转基因等手段制造出一个半鲨鱼半章鱼的怪物

  • 游人止步 No Solicitors


    导演:John Callas   编剧:John Callas

    主演:Melanie Buttarazzi, Eric Roberts, Vernon Wells

      Lewis Cutterman is a well respected brain surgeon and happily married with two beautiful children who run the family business. They are model citizens within the community. A simple visit to their home by a solicitor is greeted by an invitation to dinner; except dinner takes a macabre turn when the solicitor finds himself drugged by the family. Waking up, the solicitor soon dis...

  • 第一爱犬 First Dog


    导演:Bryan Michael Stoller   编剧:Bryan Michael Stoller

    主演:Eric Roberts, Tommy 'Tiny' Lister


  • 神秘博士1996电影版 Doctor Who: The Movie

    类型:剧情片电影, 科幻片电影, 悬疑片电影, 奇幻片电影, 冒险片电影, 灾难片电影

    导演:杰弗里·萨克斯   编剧:马修·雅各布斯, 西德尼·纽曼

    主演:Paul McGann, Eric Roberts, Daphne Ashbrook

      《神秘博士(1996)》是基于英国科幻电视剧《神秘博士》制作的电视电影。该片由环球影视(Universal Television)、BBC电视台(BBC Television)、BBC国际(BBC Worldwide)和福克斯电视网(Fox Network)合作拍摄,1996年5月12日首映于加拿大Alberta州Edmonton的CITV电视台,BBC一台放映的十五天前,同时也是在美国福克斯台播出的两天前。此部电影是把《神秘博士》带回荧幕的第一次尝试,原始的剧集在1989年的时候就结束了。该片也是美制《神秘博士》电视剧集的一个导剧(back door pilot,导剧是作为独立剧独立拍摄的,若没有收入某剧集里面则可单独播放),并把Paul McGann作为第八任博士推出——虽然他只在该片中唯一一次扮演博士。尽管在英国,该片摘下了收视率冠军的桂冠,但...

  • 意外访客 The Surprise Visit


    导演:尼克·里昂   编剧:Nathan Cowles, Andrew Fein, Serah Henesey, Stephen Meier

    主演:Eric Roberts, Jacqi Vene, Serah Henesey

      A robbery goes wrong, leaving two young drug addicts to make a difficult decision: to give up or to do the unthinkable.